When you first bring your bouquet home get you will want to trim the stems.
Cut your stems at least 1/2 in off at a 45° angle. This will help keep the stems free of excess bacteria and hydrate your flowers more efficiently.
VASE/Flower food
When flowers are cut they begin to die. Placing them into water helps keep them hydrated and slows down that process.
Adding a packet of flower food can make your blooms last even longer.
Your bouquet will come with a small packet of flower food. Stir in that flower food and place your flowers into the vase.
Change your water every few days to keep the bacteria growth at bay. This will help keep your bouquet looking amazing for as long as possible.
Mixed arrangements are made with flowers that have different vase lives.
As you see flowers beginning to wilt, take them out of the vase.
This will help with overgrowth of bacteria and keep the other flowers looking great.